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Busting through Limitations that have been holding you back

Posted by Sarah-Jane Bavidge on

Busting Limitations

Hello. My name is S-J and I am a Mind, Energy, Emotion Coach and a Motivation Coach helping others to overcome procrastination and achieve their goals. We are all a work in progress, continually growing and expanding. As we evolve we have to turn inwards to upgrade outdated programs that have been running within us. I am so happy and grateful that I have the tools that can help me to move forward. I share this to help others. Contact me Raynbow Room on Facebook to book coaching sessions. 

This past week I hit a wall. BAM! No moving forward until I look at these self-sabotaging patterns, stopping me and blocking me from steaming ahead with my goals and dreams. It’s as if I was unable to take action in the direction of achieving my desires and goals. I’d been procrastinating in my business, doing the minimum to keep it afloat while keeping busy in other areas of life.  I’d become so frustrated and angry with the work situation I’d gotten myself into. The fears and limitations felt so big that I had been contemplating jacking in my business and getting a regular job, working for someone else, which was a no go as I had worked so hard and this idea filled me with dread and felt super constricting and suffocating. I couldn’t grow my business any more until I looked inwards. What had been stopping me? Why had I been procrastinating so much? Enough was enough! I had to get my journal out and dig in! I found that the self-sabotaging patterns, limitations and fears were all connected.
I still had fears around failure and rejection. This resulted in me wanting to make everything perfect before completing projects and sharing them. Also fear of making a mistake and not wanting to make a mess popped up. I had been struggling with feelings of never being good enough and had inherited a limiting belief of never having enough time in the day. 

I’d been procrastinating by keeping busy, filling my time with home and family. These areas of my life are great so to spend lots of time focusing on home and family, relaxing and learning new things is a joy. However it was way out of balance with not enough time spent on work goals. 

These fears, self-doubt, old limiting stories and outdated patterns, thoughts and beliefs had been suffocating my goals and dreams, preventing me from taking my business to the next level. 

So what was I going to do about them? Being aware of them was a great start but awareness on its own wasn’t enough. Here’s how I took the old beliefs, thoughts and patterns and changed them by recognising every time one pops up, interrupting it with new thoughts, new choices, reaffirming new beliefs, updating my tolerance of what I will put up with and with tapping (EFT). One interruption that is really powerful is coming back into my body. These old thoughts, beliefs and patterns are run by the mind. Connecting with our higher self and aligning with our inner wisdom, our divine truth is easy when we learn to come back into our body, back to the heart and the great thing is it’s a super simple process. It gets easier and easier the more we practice it and the more we practice it the easier it is to integrate it into our daily lives. I also find that tapping helps me to relax, bringing me back to peace, coming out of my head and back into my body again. I take 5-10 minutes to tap if it feels light and right. 

I've included tapping that I’ve found really helpful. 

How to tap (EFT) with Jessica Ortner from Tapping Solution -

Old thought and belief - I’m never good enough and the work I do is never good enough 

Recognise it’s untrue. Any time this old belief/thoughts come up I will interrupt them and remind myself I have a divine spirit that lives within me, therefore I have divine energy coursing through me. I now choose to believe that I am enough. Close my eyes, connecting back to my heart remembering my divinity and light. Remembering I Am Enough by breathing into my heart space. 

Old belief and racing thoughts - Theres never enough time in the day 

Recognise this is Untrue. I learned it. Any time this old false belief surfaces I will interrupt it by reminding myself that I have the same amount of time as everyone else and the same amount of time as very successful people. I now chose to believe I have plenty of time every day. I now choose to spend my time in meaningful and purposeful ways, moving towards my goals and manifestations. 

Old feelings and thoughts - Overwhelmed by all the ideas that I have and being able to bring them to life and I have so many ideas I don’t know what to work on first! 

Stop! recognise. Interrupt with connecting back to my heart. Close my eyes, breathe into my heart space for a few minutes. Asking what does my higher guidance say about this? Journal it out if that feels right. Write out my Action Plan asking - What do I want? Why do I want it? Brainstorm are all of the action steps I can take to achieve my goal? Then go back and list the 6 action steps at the top that will get me to my goal fastest so that I really move forward. Revisit this often. If it feels good use this tapping From Panic to peace from The Tapping Solution -

Fear of failure. Everything has to be perfect before I can share it. Fear of making a mistake. 

Recognise the thoughts and feeling that goes with thear thoughts and stop, taking a breath, interrupting myself remembering there is no such thing as failure unless I allow the fear to stop me from moving forward. When something is not a success it’s actually just feedback, it’s positive because the feedback allows me to make needed improvements moving forward or helps guide me in a new improved direction. I now choose to move forward making improvements as I go. I now choose to share as I go along so that I can have feedback knowing where I need to make changes along the way. I recognise the fear there but step back. I’ve got this. I’m not available to this old thoughts and feelings. I connect back to my heart by breathing into my heart space. Affirming with emotion that -

• I am willing to try new things.

• I am willing to make mistakes and learn from them. 
• I am willing to share my journey. 
• I am enough. 
• I am lovable

 I love this tapping (EFT) from Tapping Solution for releasing fear of failure -

I love this tapping (EFT) from Tapping Solution for releasing pressure of perfectionism

Old Fear - Fear of rejection

Recognise the fear. Stop, interrupt it. Affirm to myself - I’ve got this. I’m not available to this old thoughts and feelings. I connect back to my heart by breathing into my heart space. 

Old Habit - Procrastinating on goals and desires. 

Recognising when I am procrastinating and interrupt it with 5-10 minutes of tapping (EFT). I love this tapping from Tapping Solution for Clearing the Fear of Taking Action -

Reminding myself I am no longer available for procrastination. I now choose to be the highest version of me who focuses on my goals by taking inspired aligned action every day. I connect to my highest guidance through my heart. I close my eyes and breathe into my heart space and listen to my guidance. I refer back to my Action Plan. 

My daily aligned action is 2 or more of the following - 

  • Listening to my dream document and feeling the amazing feelings it creates within me. 
  • Saying my incantations with feeling while exercising. 
  • Journalling. 
  • Taking action (from my massive action plan) towards my goals and manifestations.
  • Listening to empowering e-books or listening to my course material.
  • Writing blog posts, creating course content. 
  • Meditating connecting with my heart and my higher self while on my acupressure Shakti mat. 
  • Transcendental Meditation

Tune in to your highest guidance to find your aligned action for your own goals. 

Consistently interrupting old patterns, thoughts, habits and beliefs will help change the old ones quicker. 

This was my process. It is my wish that by sharing this it can inspire others. 

We all have different limitations and fears so I have shared journalling questions below to help find those limitations, sabotage patterns, unhelpful habits and fears that are blocking and stopping big goals and dreams. 

Journalling Questions

What fears do I have around moving forward with my goals? 
What old stories have I been telling myself (and others) that are blocking me? 
What old beliefs and thought patterns are stopping me from being successful? 
What unhelpful behaviours, habits or patterns do I have in relation to my goals?  
How have I been sabotaging my goals and dreams?What have I been putting up with that I am no longer willing to put up with? 

What are my new minimum standards that I will now accept? 

I am seeing you loving and enjoying living your best life! 

Much love

S-J 🤍✨

#dealingwithfearsandlimitations #dealingwithselfsabotage #overcomingselfsabbitagingpatterns #overcomingblockstoachievinggoals

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