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Black Tourmaline (Schorl) as a Shield of Protection

Posted by Sarah-Jane Bavidge on

Black Tourmaline is a wonderful remedy for those who often feel unsafe.

Feeling unsafe can often be caused by our fears and or a sense of being in danger. This Fear or sense of danger triggers a natural fight or flight response in the body. This is a natural and helpful response if there is actually a real danger in that moment. In times of very old, when our ancestors sensed or say, danger in the form of a large predator, this fight or flight response would activate and they were able to either fight the huge wild animal or run for their lives and hopefully outrun the beast. Then once they were safe their bodies would return to a calm state. However nowadays with our modern lifestyles so many of us are running on a constant state of fight and flight which can cause the body to be in a constant state of alert and causes constant stress in the body. 

When we are stressed over long periods it can have a negative effect on our overall health and May eventually cause did-ease in the body. And if you’re anything like me, would prefer to avoid constant stress? 

One of the things that I have found helpful to feel safe in this big World is to wear a piece of Black Tourmaline either a Black Tourmaline tumblestone in my bra or wear a piece of Black Tourmaline jewellery. We have pendants and bracelets in Black Tourmaline for sale on our website

Black Tourmaline is a great choice for feeling safe and secure in life because it does a wonderful job of easing anxiety and panic attacks, relieving fear and protecting and grounding us.

When we are grounded we live in the present moment and when we are present it means that we are not projecting our fear out into the future, imagining the worst possible outcomes or worrying about the future.  

It protects those who work with it by placing an etheric shield of protection around them. This shield protects against environmental pollution such as electromagnetic smog from electronics, negative energies from others, moaning and complaining energies. It also protects from negative thought patterns by transmuting our lower vibe thoughts into more positive thoughts. 

To work with a Black Tourmaline cleanse it using your favourite method avoiding water and salt to keep your crystal in tip top condition as it is a softer stone. I like to use white sage, palo Santo (both for sale on or a Tibetan singing bowl. You could also use incense, playing or chanting Sacred mantras, Tibetan bells or a drum to cleanse your crystal. I like to say to my crystal ‘Cleanse, clear, delete, return to Source’ while cleansing my crystals. Then I like to activate my crystal by saying ‘I recognise you as a Divine Being of love and light who is always connected to Source energy.’ 

I would then set my intention for my crystal by saying something like ‘I program you to protect and ground me. Shield me from lower vibes and negative energies. Thank you and so it is.’ 

If it resonates with you, you can say an Archangel protection invocation while using your Black Tourmaline. You can say this. ‘I call upon Archangel Michael and I ask that you be with me in every moment severing all energetic cords of fear and protecting me and keeping me safe. Thank you and so it is.’ Then close your eyes and take a few breaths while Archangel Michael cuts any energetic cords of fear and then see yourself in a sparkling electric deep blue light and then bring your focus back to your breath and breathe in peace and calm, knowing that you are totally protected and completely safe, free to enjoy the present moment. 

Positive Affirmations can help to keep your mind focused on the positive. Every day you can say affirmations like - 

I am safe and protected.
Thank you Black Tourmaline for protecting me and keeping me grounded.
Thank you Archangel Michael for being with me protecting me and keeping me safe in every moment. 
All is well. 
I am present. 
I enjoy every moment. 
I live in the present moment. 
It is safe for me to live my best life. 

I hope you have fun trying this out. Thanks for reading. Check out my website for high quality crystals and for more crystal ideas.

Sending out love and blessings to you and May you live your fabulous life feeling safe and protected✨👼🏼🤍🙏🏻☀️ Sarah-Jane xxx

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