Posted by Sarah-Jane Bavidge on
In times of loss it can feel like our heart is breaking and that things will never be the same again and in a lot of ways it will not. Life has changed massively and the world around us seems to be moving on yet we can feel as if we are drowning in a sea of loss and grief and may feel we don’t have any tools to get us through. ‘How can I ever be okay again?’ we may ask. We live in an ever changing world where energy is always moving and shifting and things are always changing. Our bodies, our relationships, situations in our lives, what we know and learn, seasons outside. We are always evolving and growing. Change, transition and loss can feel overwhelming. Afterall most of us haven’t been taught how to or been given any tools move through loss. It can feel like we are unsupported and unprepared for what has happened and for what lies ahead. I have put together a crystal support set for grief and loss and written a couple of angel prayers below with the intention that they may support and give comfort to those who are experiencing grief and loss in their lives with the intention that they may help with bringing peace and continued loving connections with loved ones.
You can find grief and loss crystal sets containing Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Selenite and Apache Tear to help comfort and support you at this time at
Angels of love and transition please surround my loved one in your beautiful love and light and guide them safely across the rainbow bridge to heaven where I know they will be greeted by their soul family and soul friends of the light who are celebrating their accomplishments and lifetime here on earth and welcoming them home once more, with open arms and warm smiles ✨🤍👼🏼
Angels of love and transition please surround my loved one in your beautiful love and light and guide them safely across the rainbow bridge to heaven where I know they will be greeted by their soul family and soul friends of the light who are celebrating their accomplishments and lifetime here on earth and welcoming them home once more, with open arms and warm smiles ✨🤍👼🏼
Angels of healing please surround me in your rainbow light of love and support so that I may be kind and gentle with myself, allowing myself to feel the grief and loss of my loved one and allow my feelings to flow through me (so that it does not get stuck in my body). Help me to know it is okay for me to cry as this is a way that I can release and let go of the emotions moving through me. Encourage me to express my feelings in a safe space or if it feels better to write about my feelings to get them out of me and onto the paper. Remind me how beautifully strong and resilient I am and that I can and will get through this. Thank you for helping me to know that my loved one has arrived safely in heaven and are with their other loved ones - their soul family and friends of the light. Help me to feel that they are still with me whenever I think of them, just in a different form now. Remind me that I hold my loved one in my memories and in my heart forever. Now they are in a different dimension, in etheric form, flying high, free from any pain and earthly limitations. I can still feel connected to them in this new bond we have. All I have to do is to close my eyes and think of them with fond and loving memories and they are with me in an instant. When I close my eyes I can feel or know or sense their presence. Only ever a thought away. When I am ready, gently help me to turn my focus away from what I have lost to gratitude in remembering all of the good times we had together and the love that we have been blessed to share and the blessing that they were in my life and continue to be in this new form. Help me to listen out for messages from them in different ways now - through a song or overhearing a conversation, or from a book falling off a shelf or finding a feather, seeing shapes in the clouds, seeing repetitive numbers, an unexpected gift, seeing birds and animals and in other ways. Signs that have unique meaning for me and my loved one. Thank you angels for holding me in your love, comforting me, guiding me through. I am grateful for your support and love, especially in this moment and at this time. I am patient and gentle with myself at this time and I can do this knowing, feeling, sensing that I am loved and supported by angels ✨🤍👼🏼🙏🏻🪷
#crystalsforgriefandloss #angelprayersforgriefandloss #supportforgriefandloss #comfortforgriefandloss #raynbowroomgriefanosscrystals #raynbowroom # #amethystrosequartzseleniteapachetearforgriefanoss
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