Protect your home & family with Angelite or Celestite
Posted by Sarah-Jane Bavidge on
I love using Angelite tumble stones, spheres and small natural pieces of Celestite around my home as useful angelic light protection for me and my family. This short blog has some suggestions on how you can do this within your own space.
Prepare your crystals
I recommend cleansing, clearing & charging your crystals before you start. You can use your own favourite way, but I would avoid using water and salt to keep these softer crystals in tiptop condition.
Some of my favourite ways to prepare my crystals include:
- Using a sage smudge stick to cleanse and clear while saying "Cleanse, clear, delete, return to Source".
- Placing your crystals in a large amethyst or quartz geode to cleanse and charge again with intention "Cleanse, clear delete, return to Source".
- Placing your crystals in the moonlight with intention will also cleanse and charge your crystals.
- Or, Selenite charging plates do a great job of charging your crystals too. I like to charge my crystals by saying to them "I recognise you as a Divine Being of Love and Light and I know that you are always connected to Source energy and always charged with Source energy".
Placing your crystals in your home
On windowsills
Place your cleansed, cleared and charged Angelite or Celestite crystals on each windowsill in your home. [For more details on how to grid rooms with crystals, please see my Crystal Gridding Blog]
You can program your crystals by saying "I ask that you protect me and my family in every moment, thank you crystals".
You can then visualise, imagine, sense or just know that each of these crystals is radiating Source light. They are connected and working together, keeping you and your family safe and protected. See each crystal's blue light connecting to one another and radiating out, with this light getting bigger than your home. At this point, I like to add on a "thank you crystals" as I think this shows gratitude for and trust in the Divine crystal Beings for all their help and assistance to every request I make.
Using Spheres
Another suggestion is to place an Angelite sphere in the centre of your home or near the centre of your home with the intention of "this angelite sphere is in the centre of my home and will protect me and my family".
Spheres represent protection from lower vibes, unity and bringing people together. Angelite is great for someone who wants to protect but also bring their family together, unite them, improving communication between family members and increasing peace, compassion, acceptance, tranquility and forgiveness within the family and within the home.
Cleanse, clear, charge and program as described above. Then you can set the additional intention, for example: "This crystal is to also bring our family together" or "This crystal will increase compassion, forgiveness, acceptance and/or peace within our family".
This time visualise, imagine, sense or just know that this sphere is always connected to Source energy and it is radiating Source love, light and energy 360 degrees around it, throughout your home. I like to see this light as pale blue and sparkling. See the light radiating and expanding out, with this light getting bigger than your home. Again trust and know that your crystals are helping you and thank the crystals.
For more affirmations you could use please click below:
Once you've set your affirmation
If it feels right you can imagine or sense the pale blue sparkling light as angels of light protecting your home. Invoke Archangel Michael and his legions of light.
Archangel Michael is the angel of protection and he radiates a fabulous electric blue glittering energy. You can say "Archangel Michael thank you for posting a light angel of protection at every door and window of our home protecting us in every moment and as we sleep".
Sometimes I visualise a light angel of protection standing at every door and window as I’m lying in bed, falling asleep. It invokes a deep sense of peace and calm.
Using crystals to protect your family
As a mother of two children, aged nearly 18 and 14, I know how we can worry about our kids going out into the world without us, especially when it’s a new experience for our children and for us!
No matter what age they are - whether it’s starting school, going out with friends, learning to drive, going abroad, starting college or University, starting a new job or moving out into their own place and all the things in between - we want them to be safe and we want the best for them. Even though we know this includes allowing them to grow up and enjoy all of life’s experiences, it can sometimes be hard not to worry. One way I've found to help ease the worry, whilst still always being there for my children is to use Angelite alongside calling in Archangel Michael.
I dedicate an Angelite crystal to each child. You can use an angel shape or tumblestone or any other Angelite crystal you resonate with.
For each child
Cleanse, clear and prepare your crystals and the space for your crystal to be placed in.
Hold your cleansed crystal and call in Archangel Michael to work together with your Angelite crystal. Set your intention "Thank you Angelite (all crystals are Divine Beings of Love and Light) and Archangel Michael and your legion of protection light angels for always being with (insert child’s name) and always protecting (insert child’s name). Watch over them and keep them safe. Whisper Divine guidance so that they can hear your love and guidance to help them make healthy choices".
See your child surrounded in sparkling blue love and light of protection and breathe into peace knowing that your child is always protected.
Every morning as part of my morning meditation and prayers I like to take a few minutes to focus on each Angelite crystal dedicated to my children. I see both of my children surrounded in the Angel light from their Angelite crystal beings and repeat the prayer that I used to program their crystals.
Or alternatively, some mornings instead of the prayer I say positive affirmations instead.
For some affirmations you could use please click below:
This whole process really helps me to stay calm and relaxed and have faith that all is well.
Thanks for reading💕. If this practice resonates with you, let us know in the comments below, or share it with your friends & family.
Much love, have a great day. Sarah-Jane x
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